Everybody think that good parents are usually those who care about health, safety, morals, education and nutrition; but nobody says anything about quality time with their children creating family activities, and family crafts.
Another reason that this type of family bonding is essential is that these family activities are very important in forming lasting memories, which your children will take with them into adult life, and pass onto their own children. Wouldn’t you want to make sure that there is a never ending amount of tales to tell?
Now days, in this digital day and age, it is so much easier to capture these memories on digital cameras, smart cell phones or digital video recorders, that can be saved into their own cell phones, DVD’s or home computer drives. Do you know what this means for your child? They won’t just have to reply on their memories of the good family time days and other good times, but will have them recorded, ready to jog their minds if need be.
Okay so what type of family activities can you incorporate into your household? You can make sure that you all sit down at the table together, whenever possible (at least once a week depending on after school activities), and share your thoughts, relax and enjoy some good food and talk together.
Family activities don’t have to be expensive – you can let your children help you cook cakes and cookies (when old enough), play board games or do a something together, play a game of ball outside, to name a few things. Just make sure to interact with your kids, see them smile, and let them enjoy themselves, you can’t go far wrong.
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