Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First time pregnancy Book

What to Expect When You're Expecting: Fourth Edition
"What to Expect started with information--or, actually, lack of information. In fact, when I found out I was expecting for the first time--I didn't have the slightest idea of what to expect. And back then, it wasn't as easy to find out what to expect as you'd think. I created What to Expect When You're Expecting because I couldn't find the answers to my questions or the reassurance for my worries that I was searching for in the pregnancy books I read (and believe me, I read plenty). I was a mom on a mission--a mission to help other moms and dads worry less and enjoy their pregnancies (and their babies, and their toddlers) more. And I've been on that mission ever since."
--Heidi Murkoff 
It's incredible to me how many reviewers have said that this book frightened them. I've only read the 4th edition so I can't speak for earlier editions (which I've heard were a bit stricter in the diet section), but no other pregnancy book reassured me the way this one did. I've read both mainstream medical pregnancy books (including the "Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy") and pro-natural childbirth/anti-hospital books (including "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way"), and this book made me feel the most empowered. I found the medical books too dry and impersonal, while the anti-hospital books shame you for wanting a doctor around. "What to Expect" is a textbook-like reference guide, that yes, does have cutesy language, but I think the authors did that intentionally to make the information more accessible. For women who believe knowledge is power, this is the book for you; I can't recommend it highly enough. (And sometimes the cutesy anecdotes made me smile. They're not all bad.) --Kristin

Personal Opinion:
We found a previous version of this book back in 2008 when our first girl (Sophia)was in my bally!! and it was so amazing and helpful, now we are expecting Manuella and we found a new version of the book!! I found this book extremely helpful with a sense of humor.  It is an excellent resource for pregnancy, the chapters are well categorized and even has week by week section with everything you should know to be well prepared. I really think is a great resourse and you could by your What to Expect When You're Expecting: Fourth Edition directly from

1 comment:

  1. This will be a great present to my brother and her wife will surely appreciate the idea of this wonderful gift as a preparation for their angel.

    baby gifts
